Philosophy Of The Company

Philosophy Of The Company

CREATING FASHION FOR FUTURE MUSEUM COLLECTIONS –The basic idea of the brand is to strictly create and promote the finest quality hand crafted products. Products that the present and the future  generations can understand and connect with .The techniques used are very rare .Kamaldeep as a designer is involved in the revival of many dyeing techniques and designs. Thus most of the pieces that you buy from Neelgar can be sold to museums or textile art collectors in the near future.

FAIR TRADE –Our idea of fair trade is being fair to the maker as well as the buyer.

ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY –We use only bio degradable fabrics and use natural dyes as often as possible.

PEOPLE FRIENDLY –providing work to about 5000 crafts people 365 days a year .We are hoping that this makes their financial status better and thus the coming generations can be better educated ,have better lives .Women often sit together and work in groups this keeps them happy ,and away from their everyday problems.

REVIVAL OF CRAFTS – We have been working very selectively with crafts, sub crafts (special skills or techniques, within a craft) which were dyeing an early death. We not only did our best to revive the same, but also to train the craftspeople involved  in the craft with better skill levels .Up gradation of their existing techniques, renewal of designs .The most important step being holding their hands permanently .

CRAFT EDUCATION –Kamaldeep has been invited all over the world to teach the special techniques ,practiced and developed by her  .From Leheriya, to baandhani to block printing -using natural dyes , The various institutions who invited Kamaldeep  for workshops or talks  include

 -MIAT-Museum Over Industrie arbied en textile- Belgium, 

Netherlands , Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), University of Art and Design Halle, Burg Giebichenstein, Germany ,Metropolitan museum of arts, NY, USA being a few of the names.Kamaldeep feels, it’s very important to give craft education to develop a future market for handmade products.

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